My fren Bryan Gonna Fly man wow sad... but my Frens Aileen , HungWee, Ikhwan , n others Organise a surprise farewell party in his house n thanx for de help of Chock Chow too let Bryan's Mom know dis plan haha n we MUST arrive his House before 4pm because he will be Home around 5 or 6pm like dat ...
Man ... Luk at all dat balloon decoration u saw above (Hey it feels like is someone's wedding).. is all hard work done by Hung Wee ,thanx 2 him too he is too talented n a great learner, Bryan was Happy about it when i told Bry,F*ck u bry everyone was Jealous abt u hahaahaa Jus Kidding Lah~ :P
Me n Aileen were discuse about de planning of de Surprise when he come in from de main door our Aim is to make Him feel Happy n Second CRY haha ...
HEy Luk at de slippers n shoes I think got At Least 30-35 ppl come got us Graduated Fren, de Form 5 n 4 comes too wow man Is Crowded like hell before He come home , some ppl were palying laptop playin de stupid boring DOTA game in a room haha n then upstairs Playin Nintendo Wii n Ps2 .Wow ..Is a party House .
Before he arrive we standby n get ready for everything for him .. for You man specially 4 u

This is de Secreat Weapon dat we gonna use it on Bryan Just Spray on his face n Draw some Freestyle Grafitti on Ur Face Dude hahaa ...~!

Hey Ikhwan u spoile my image eh Lah u~~ ShuShu haha...(Ikh: RoXX!!!)
Bry have a Standard public street Toilet woow how special .. dats cool but i wonder where his dad get dat ..? Hmmmm...
So Around 5pm he arrive infront of his door n all de lights out n then when we walk through dis door we show no mery on de spray on HIM haha ~! NO way out dude .. haha but damn i dun hav de pix he was a mess man what a mess ... He was smiling n we ask him are u sad ka .. jus Cry la we know u wan 2 cry .. he said no la n a smile on his face ... we know he is happy ..Your a Gud fren so dat u done dis to u dude ... such a great Pinoy fren hehe ..
Makan loh .... Time To eat ... Dis Pictures show them de aftermath disaster after destroy Bry wif spray n evrything .. pheww everyone are tired thanx for de co-op work evryone ! Time to Rest n Enjoy !
LEts have some Absolute Vodka la Bry ... Mus Drunk so we can punk u out hahaha Jus Kiddng Nia ..

Dis pix i take form someone , chicken la why im nt in there haiz u guys realli chicken ehhh.... nt fair dude nvm as long as Bry is de happiest man of all hehe c

So At Last , Jus wanna Let Bry knows dat hey Dude Take Care in Perth n Gudluck In Evrything In You Man Youre de Pinoy Fren dat i Know .. Farewell dude n dis is it ... n dun 4get to watchout from racist haha.. Bye dude Ur de Best... Cheers~ ! Veryone Miss u Bye T.T
:D We will see each other nex time .... Bon Voyage Bryan C.Devela !!!
A Message From a Fren u col Me Brother YAo ^_^