Hey guys
I Got good News 4 Ya!
Something Epic Here
Here comes The Transformers 3 Trailer , dis is not a joke not a tease Trailer , Is Offcial ~
I Got good News 4 Ya!
Something Epic Here
Here comes The Transformers 3 Trailer , dis is not a joke not a tease Trailer , Is Offcial ~

This Time something crash in The Moon in our late 60's .
The US launch their Appolo Space craft to the moon .
They try to Discover something but
Who knows They are not Alone .
There is something like a Huge spaceship crash landing on the middle of the Moon.
The US launch their Appolo Space craft to the moon .
They try to Discover something but
Who knows They are not Alone .
There is something like a Huge spaceship crash landing on the middle of the Moon.
And ..... There is
The ANCESTOR LEGEND of Decepticon is here .
The ANCESTOR LEGEND of Decepticon is here .
By the way some people said his Face look alike
Morgan Freeman
Morgan Freeman

This Time We got a New Hot chick that take over
Megan Foxx Role as "Mikaela"
in the new movie.
She is also a Hot Monster !
I Know some people Just Dont get used to it when
The Director choose another one to sub someone role
But This is Different , you will still feel nothing lost in Transformers movie,
Michael Bay
is Genius
he chose another
HOT Chick
That we dont care abt Megan Fox Anymore (lol)
Thanks Michael Bay ~!!!
She is Really Really that Hot
i Show You ,
After That You Will Feel Much Better Guys ~! haha
She is
Rosie Huntington

She Model For Pirelli Tyres


Neh .. Soon he will Get use to it For New "Mikaela" Chick
New Stuff is Not Always That Bad

You and US Wont Regret lol

"OK No Problem"
In Megan Days

All These Years in Transformers Movie Franchise ,
We Will Say goodbye 4ever to ....
Megan Foxx
Whose Make a Bitchy idea of Her own
Saying Something Ackward
Bitching around Being a hooker haha jk
For Saying That Michael Bay is a Crazy Satanist Director ~
(Well ,You Never Understand Whats The Feeling Being A Boss, Boss suffer Most the Stress )

Well 2 of ya Always Spent together in T1 and T2
Then is Time To move On

sorry Dude
Time To Say Goodbye To
Your Old friend

Dont wanna be Ya
You'll Regret for Your Transformers Toys
No more Transform 4ya
will show on
1st July 2010
(will it depends)
We Hope There Will be a World Premiere
Thats all Folks
Enjoy The Super Imba Trailer