my Last Saturday Story
I go Donated my blood to the Blood Rotary club *dat is what they call themselves * in Lexus ShowRoom .
Well , it looks good n fine at first .
Good Service with the Consultation at first , but when it comes to the Male nurses from Local Hospital. They are so like lower-standards (their appearance and action can tells that "hey boy im not a Pro"), i was so Concerned about that ,what if the needle of the syringe breaks , ahhh! i hate to think abt dat,not me only , everyone does .
U know when i was lying on dat chair , the other male nurse of de left
his ass bum on me wif small force .luckily is not my right side .
sh*t hell man dont ya see a patient here ? lol
oh lazy local why u still wana black mail yourself agen . tired man . Oi~ Wake Up .

Smiley Face ~!
Thats my Mom ~!
cause i want English .
They Have it , they didnt give it to me .
damn "LP"*lampa* in english is BALLS.
luckily theres
a Chinese Uncle
his English paper
so i know
how to Answer the Q ..
* u Buy dis in bru,people will luk up on u*
You buy The Latest RX350, i tell you , people will look up on you not only dat ,
they will "HAIL" you like a King or Queen .
i know this sounds crazy but this is Real .
Here i am
The Painless Super-Man
*Picture Quiet Blur ,
Cos the unexperience rough Young Male Nurse shocked
when he saw my Best Mobile Camera 12mp Ever*
Dude You Spoiler~!
In front of me
is the Chinese Uncle
i mentioned jus now.
He is Funny & Frenly .
Here It GOES
Bye Bye Old Blood.
btw they didn give a squeezable material
for me to press ,
so if i hav it then
my blood will flow smoother n faster
but luckily
i hav experienced before
i pressed it by myself
with a free hand *nothin to hold*
Bad Service .
To this Uncle ,
who is a Experienced Trusted Male Nurse
who take care of me ,
He is My Mother's old friend too
He told me
he saw me
When i was a 4 yrs old boy
Thanks Uncle for serving me good.
My New
Elbow PAD
And Then
They Give me
The edible GIFT
Terima Kasih
Check it out
a Not bad food . not a Branded .
it Should be Branded
Jacobs ,Yeo's Soya Bean, 100Plus isotonic drinks
but this is ... ahh
better than nothing ,
they r rich ,
shouldnt be so budget
Till now ,
i havent open it n eat it
Do You Know?
After Donating Blood
They Should give the patient
to drink this 30mins
Boiled eggs
(at least 2 eggs)
is a must , study from doctors .
You Know Luckily
i know this ,
so i ask my mom
to cook it for me
Jus Kidding~!
This is My First Time
Real Deal .
Oh Im Bald ~! lol
as i hav enough Year to take this .
cos all My fren in NS
They r smaller Than me 5yrs man ~
So they need lots of check up
b4 doing dat .
They are Young man ~
im a Postponed Adult Army
Im a Strong MAN
This is My one Pack of Blood
The "O" Blood
Take on 31/7/10
saw that ?
They are Well Trained Experienced Nurse
in M'sia
Friendly n Caring too
i love 'em
you see
Thats why im talkin about
they give me this to
After The Blood Donating
to eat This ,
is for
Recover Your Body
Cos Once Donated
It will Feel Tired , they said
and a warm feeling
Well i just Warm but tired just 30%?
or 20%?
Important Point:
1.) Eat the Porridge
2.) Eat Some Dessert
3.) Eat The 30mins Boiled Eggs
4.)Drink Warm Water or Hot Milo(or others)
I love The NS
They Served Very Good .
Well Done .
Love You all .
Yesh Healthy Body Now ~!
Remember Guys
After Donating ,you should eat those food
to Recover Yourself .
Take Care
Out-There Ya
This is it
Thanx for Sharing with me
See u guys nex time Ya
Bye .
is the Chinese Uncle
i mentioned jus now.
He is Funny & Frenly .
Bye Bye Old Blood.
btw they didn give a squeezable material
for me to press ,
so if i hav it then
my blood will flow smoother n faster
but luckily
i hav experienced before
i pressed it by myself
with a free hand *nothin to hold*
Bad Service .
To this Uncle ,
who is a Experienced Trusted Male Nurse
who take care of me ,
He is My Mother's old friend too
He told me
he saw me
When i was a 4 yrs old boy
Thanks Uncle for serving me good.
My New
Elbow PAD
They Give me
The edible GIFT
Terima Kasih
a Not bad food . not a Branded .
it Should be Branded
Jacobs ,Yeo's Soya Bean, 100Plus isotonic drinks
but this is ... ahh
better than nothing ,
they r rich ,
shouldnt be so budget
i havent open it n eat it
After Donating Blood
They Should give the patient
to drink this 30mins
Boiled eggs
(at least 2 eggs)
is a must , study from doctors .
You Know Luckily
i know this ,
so i ask my mom
to cook it for me
Then a Few Minutes
i become Like
This ~
Then a Few Minutes
i become Like
This ~
Jus Kidding~!
Real Deal .
Oh Im Bald ~! lol
as i hav enough Year to take this .
cos all My fren in NS
They r smaller Than me 5yrs man ~
So they need lots of check up
b4 doing dat .
They are Young man ~
im a Postponed Adult Army
Im a Strong MAN
The "O" Blood
Take on 31/7/10
saw that ?
They are Well Trained Experienced Nurse
in M'sia
Friendly n Caring too
i love 'em
you see
Thats why im talkin about
they give me this to
After The Blood Donating
to eat This ,
is for
Recover Your Body
Cos Once Donated
It will Feel Tired , they said
and a warm feeling
Well i just Warm but tired just 30%?
or 20%?
Important Point:
1.) Eat the Porridge
2.) Eat Some Dessert
3.) Eat The 30mins Boiled Eggs
4.)Drink Warm Water or Hot Milo(or others)
They Served Very Good .
Well Done .
Love You all .
Yesh Healthy Body Now ~!
Remember Guys
After Donating ,you should eat those food
to Recover Yourself .
Take Care
Out-There Ya
This is it
Thanx for Sharing with me
See u guys nex time Ya
Bye .