So it is not jus me thats complaining The Club , all the people who are members knows this too .
The Club goes lower n lower now , even service.
i go there jus because of Facilities, Great instructor and Classes .
What in The World can be like this ?
Imagine A Member Suddenly Become Your Instructor with No Certificates and others .
Who Want a lousy Instructor like dat ?
As a member i feel so Disgusted and Embarrassed jus like The person who write this article below .
They Only know how to get The Money but no Motivation how shame is That ?
This Fitness Club in Brunei is a Branded Club thats Joined the IHRSA and NAUTILUS ALLIANCE.
If They Really wanna Cut Cost and cant afford ?
Then Why dun they Hire fitness instructor from The Nearby/Neighbor Country?
Singapore,Malaysia,Thailand,Vietnam, Phillipines, n others .
Now i feel unworthy for that club , This is WTF .
i Support the person who write in the Newspaper .
F-U Mando Superstar who own This Cheap ideas .
The Rock Says This ~
(Watch Below video)